The Best Christmas Present to Yourself and Family is Crime Prevention

By Teresa Bernard

Christmastime is a busy season for everyone including criminals. Many are caught up in the particulars of their holiday preparations and shopping. Consumers are running from place to place with large amounts of cash in their wallets and loaded down with packages more so at this time of year than any other. Sorry to say crooks will also be out looking for their next victim. The holiday season is not the time to let your guard down. Being the unfortunate prey of crime can quickly wreck your holiday mood.

According to the FBI, crime incidents become more frequent during this particular time of the year. Burglaries, muggings, car thefts, robberies, pick pocketing, credit card scams and crimes at ATMs all increase during the month of December. Often the safety precautions we may normally take are forgotten as the anticipation and excitement of the Yuletide season causes us to let our guard down. Even though you are rushed and thinking about a thousand things, remember to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Criminals will often target those who are distracted and aren't paying attention.

The day after Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the shopping season for the holidays. As you begin that holiday shopping, you might want some advice on how to avoid becoming an easy mark for criminals. Remember this advice is helpful year round as well.


Trying to stay safe while you are shopping for Christmas can be a little difficult. Mainly because there are fewer daylight hours in the day at this season of the year. Often shoppers arrive at a mall when it is day and find that it has gotten dark outside by the time they are ready to leave. Anxious to get inside and make their purchases, many shoppers don't consider this when they park.

Parking lots fill up quickly this time of year which makes it harder to find a decent spot. Try to find one that is in a well-lit area with lots of foot traffic. Don't park in secluded areas if you can help it. When you leave your car be sure to lock it. Look around to familiarize yourself with the area. Note what row you parked in and the spot number too. This will make it easier to find your car when you return.

Try to shop with a buddy whenever you can. Doing so will reduce your chances of being attacked or mugged. If you have to shop alone, try walking near other pedestrians in the parking lot. Be sure to stay in well-lit areas as you walk and be alert to your surroundings at all time. It's best to steer clear of areas where you notice people are loitering. Walk quickly to the mall and don't meander.


While shopping inside it is a good idea to avoid dark hallways and stockrooms, especially at closing time. Be sure to only use bathrooms that are located in high traffic areas of the mall such as the food court.

Be constantly guarded and vigilant as you move through crowds. Watch out for any unfamiliar person who bumps, pushes or gets too close. These may be a tactic designed to draw your attention away from pickpockets trying to take your wallet. Be sure to keep a close watch on your shopping bags and other personal effects as well. Always keep your purse close by. Never leave it unattended in the shopping cart. Don't carry your wallet, credit cards or cash in the back pocket of your pants or in your backpack. These are places pickpockets find it easy to get at without being noticed. Keep them in your front pockets instead.

Don't carry large amounts of cash with you. Try to make your purchases using a personal check, credit card, or ATM card if you can. At the times when you do pay using cash, pull out only what you need. Keep the rest of your cash hidden away so bystanders can see how much you are carrying. Regardless of the time of year, it is never a good idea to carry large amounts of cash with you. Try to save your most costly purchases for last, so you can head straight home afterward.

Try not to overload yourself with packages when it is time to return to your car. Combine smaller ones with one or two larger packages, or make several trips to your car. If you are overburdened, you won't be able to see who may be approaching and it could prevent you from quickly responding to a threat.

Always have your car keys ready to avert having to search for them in your purse or pocket when you reach your vehicle. Look over your shoulder periodically to make sure you are not being followed back to your car. As you draw near to your vehicle wait until you are almost upon it before using your fob to unlock it. Unlocking it too early could possibly inform a would-be assailant which car is yours. He could then hurry on ahead to reach your car before you and wait for your arrival. When you arrive at your vehicle be sure to look into the back seat before you get in to make sure no one is hiding inside.

Place your packages in the trunk out of sight. Do this when you first get to your car, rather than waiting until you park at your next stop. Gifts and other valuables should never be left in clear view this would provide thieves a reason to break into your vehicle while you are shopping.

When you get into your vehicle lock your doors immediately and drive off. Don't wait around sitting there to check off your shopping list, jot purchases down in your checkbook ledger or whatever it is that may cause you to delay your departure. This creates the perfect opportunity for an attacker to approach you and force his way into your car, especially if you didn't lock the doors.

Another precaution you may to consider using is to carry a personal alarm. This small device is perfect for drawing attention to yourself if you should ever need to. It is easily carried on your wrist or key chain. When activated it will emit a loud annoying sound designed to get noticed by others. An attacker won't this and will leave you alone.

Following the safety advice outlined above will help your holiday to be a merry one. - 31373

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