The Wonderful Secret of the Everlasting Energy Known as Chi!

By Al Case

Chi, that mysterious vapor that the ancient masters used to defeat attackers without touching them. A secret force of the body that enables people to live long and healthy lives. Heck, there is even evidence that Chi was behind the success of the Jedi Knights...grin.

Lots of mystery surrounding Chi, lots of things that people don't understand. Yet, it has to follow rules. If it manifests in the universe, then there are ways to define and describe the way chi functions.

We are afloat in an ocean of Chi. Have you ever observed people that had the glow of good health? Have you ever finished a particular duty and stood back in satisfaction and noticed that the world is just a little more relaxed, a little brighter.

The trick is to make this feeling last all the time. Tai Chi can enhance your health immensely, and this will make you glow. And, if you can throw yourself into work and avoid distraction you will feel immense satisfaction, which ability is immensely enhanced by the practice of tai chi.

Chi is not something that is not perceivable, it is merely not seen by those who haven't honed their perceptions. One can easily detect this energy if they hone their perceptions, and perceptions are easily sharpened through the practice of tai chi. When practicing the tai chi form, for instance, one creates a separate universe about themselves, and this universe is quite extra sensory in nature.

As one grows and cultivates this separate universe they begin to perceive within it without using the normal senses. People sense what is occurring, feel, like radar, the movements of the world about them. This is an appreciation of how life works on the level of chi perception.

Chi is generated through the simple act of breathing, and relaxing, so that the body can function the way it was designed to function. Do you see a wild animal performing calisthenics? The reason is that the wild animals movements that are relaxed, and this allows his body to function the way it was designed to function.

There should not be a lot of mystery concerning the subject of the mysterious energy known as chi. Indeed, chi responds wonderfully and empirically on levels that are quite mechanistic in nature. Chi, to be truthful is one of the most empirical concepts in the universe, the problem is that people don't know how to understand and use it it on an empirical level. - 31373

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